I've finally sat down to right a newsletter (loooong overdue) and I hardly know where to start!
Do you also find the months leading up to Christmas completely manic? Yes? Great.
As I wind down for Christmas and prepare for a MUCH needed break, I find myself reflecting on the past year. 2024 was absolutely rammed with projects. I have tried to keep Instagram updated, but have failed miserably at keeping you, my lovely readers, in the loop.
So, here it goes! Since the start of this year, here are a few books that have been released:
Make It Grow!

A lovely book published by Authentic Media including gardening projects for children, little life lessons, and simple prayers.
Find it on Amazon HERE.
Togetherness Town

A precious picture book written by Beth Wilson for children about the importance of building community and spending time away from technology.
Find it on Amazon HERE.
Where Does All the Bubblegum Go?

A laugh-out-loud hilarious picture book written by Paris Blake-Shaw about what happens to bubblegum after we’ve spit it out.
Find it on Amazon HERE.
The Gingerbread Family’s Great Escape

A Christmasy picture book published by Care for the Family all about how a gingerbread family learn to stick together throughout their wild adventures.
Find it on Care for the Family’s website on a donation basis HERE.
From Babies to Bums
I have never worked on such a vastly different array of books within a 12 month period. At one point I was flipping between illustrating heart-felt family memories and a piece of gum stuck to a baboon’s bum. And I loved it.
I have found that working on so many different projects has pushed me out of my comfort zone on so many occasions. These books are a reflection of how I’ve grown and what I’ve learned this year.
Need a little last minute gift?
I’ve added to link to each of these books within the newsletter on the off chance that you’re like me and haven’t finished (or even started) your Christmas shopping yet. Books make such lovely presents, especially when they invite conversation and create memorable moments with family.
I PROMISE my next newsletter will be more than just a list of books I’ve illustrated. I have some actual content planned for 2025 :)
But, until then, may you experience the hope and joy that accompany this beautifully festive season.
With love,