Spanish villas, flower shows, time in the garden, and time with God.
Inspired in Spain
Spain was every bit as magical as I hoped it would be. My husband and I stayed in a cute little caravan- somewhat camping in our airbnb host’s back yard.
The heat was intense. The BBC reported the temperatures (in the upper 30’s C (90 F)) were 10-15 degrees warmer than average for that time of year!
Nevertheless we walked our little legs off, took too many pictures, ate very good food, drank very good sangria, and enjoyed the stunning beauty of Sevilla (we were there during the Feria De Abril which meant we saw lots of Flamenco). A couple friends even flew out to stay with us for a few days which was a treat.
And, as promised, I made several sketches in Spain. It was refreshing to create for the sake of enjoyment rather than necessity.

Our Planet Week 2023 (ecosystem, atmosphere, reconnect)
In late April/early May I decided to join #ourplanetweek. A drawing challenge to raise awareness about climate change and make a visible impact.
For every post made following the Our Planet Week guidelines, One Tree Planted would plant a tree. So, the tree lover that I am had to participate.
I only had time to create three posts, but I figured that’s three trees that weren’t around before!

More Cheeky Monkeys
I have been working on the colour illustrations in No More Monkey’s Jumping on the Bed for quite some time now and I’m happy to report that all the internal illustrations are finished! Phew.
The cover is in the works and I am looking forward to FINALLY announcing a launch date and sharing more details with you.

In the meantime, author Rudi Gesch, has been very active on social media- sharing articles, videos, and information about risky play and how to encourage children to take risks!
He’s even started doing school visits with the prototype of the book! If you want to follow along, you can visit his Instagram page HERE or his facebook page HERE.

A Dream Job Description
Apart from colouring monkeys I’ve been working on a new project with Authentic Media (the publishing house partnering with me to produce a 90 day devotional for kids).
This project is literary gold in my eyes me because it combines illustration, GARDENING, AND GOD. Three of my favourite things all in one.
And so, I have been sketching plants, spending long hours in the garden with the excuse that it’s “research”.
I don’t have any illustrations to share yet, but I will share the inspiration taken from my garden.

THE Chelsea Flower Show
The Chelsea Flower show…a real dream come true.
My aunt and cousin flew over from the USA to go to the CFS with me. My cousin and I unintentionally matched on the day and we kind of loved it. We wandered the winding paths of the grounds while taking in some of the loveliest garden designs I’ve ever seen.
I wish I had more time to take it all in because only having 6 hours was a massive sensory overload.
As I walked around I couldn’t help but think to myself- what a beautiful God I serve. He has such an eye for beauty, detail, colour, shape, and the list goes on.
Luke 12:27 "Consider how the wild flowers grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these.”

Hopping Across the Pond
A trip to the good old US of A is on the horizon this month- very much looking forward to spending time with family and being in a dear friend’s wedding.
Travelling and being in unfamiliar spaces gives me a creative buzz I can’t explain. I take too many pictures, thinking I will use them as references one day and then I end up with 0% phone storage and 50 pictures of a cactus I planned on drawing 6 months ago. It happens.
Well, that’s all for now. I hope you enjoy the month of June and find inspiration all around you.
If you’d like to chat, my inbox is open to you.
With love,