Not to be a Debbie downer or anything, buuuut this month hasn’t been my favourite.
It flew by in a mirage of moving house, turning the old house into an airbnb, contining my volunteer role as a church secretary, keeping my illustration business running, and trying to hang on to basic human hygiene. To say it has been overwhelming would be an understatement.
HOWEVER, there have been some really lovely events, some silver linings, and some peaceful moments which I cherish deeply.
The Celebrations
It seems my friends are all celebrating life changing events all at once which is brilliant. Buying houses, having babies, starting higher education, getting married, and receiving indefinite leave to remain in the UK!
It’s been so so lovely to celebrate with each one of them and share their excitement.
The Airbnb
The Airbnb, as time consuming as it was, did provide an interesting creative outlet. Picking paint colours, styling the rooms, and creating cosy spaces really brought my inner interior designer to life. I really enjoyed creating an atmosphere that felt homely, but also cute and calming (and I kind of wish I was still living here now?).
I want to say this won’t be the last time I’ll turn my house into an Airbnb, but it probably will be! ha We'll see.

The Calm
Perhaps the calmest moment I had all month was this- a couple hours of sitting in granny’s garden in Somerset, sunshine on my face, sketching the strawberries that were growing in pots along the patio. So simple and so nice.

The Books?
As for the books I’m working on, they are all in process- hopefully October/November will have some nice visual updates for you.
It’s been brief, but that’s all for now. I hope you are doing well, that you’re taking care of yourself, and finding time to rest amidst life’s madness.
If you’d like to discuss a project or just have a chat, my inbox is open to you.
With love,